Our Early Years Vision
In the Early Years at BCPA the staff are committed to providing a safe, nurturing and happy place where every child is known and valued and where differing needs are acknowledged, accepted and met.
- We encourage each child to be independent and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and respect others and the environment.
- We provide stimulating and challenging environments both inside and outside, these are planned carefully with a range of activities that will engage the children, develop their skills and foster interests and their curiosity.
- We enable the children to develop a positive attitude and a love of learning that will support them through their life, reaching their full potential.
- We believe it is vital to support the development of the children’s confidence and resilience and teach them about their emotions and feelings, giving them a ‘tool kit’ to manage their feelings effectively.
- We value and incorporate all aspects of the children’s lives, building a strong partnership with feeder nurseries, parents and carers and members of the community.
- We recognise the importance of early phonics and maths, we deliver this through a balance of precision teaching as well as practical activities that support the learning
- We offer a supportive induction programme to reception that begins in the summer term before the children start. In September it comprises of a two-week part-time induction routine before starting full time after 3 weeks.
Reception Classes
RP - Mrs Potts (Phase Leader)
RK - Mrs Peters
Curriculum Overviews
This document contains an overview of everything your child will learn over the coming term.