(also see maths subject page)
GLA Science Curriculum Overview 2024-25
As part of the GLA, Bishops Cleeve Primary Academy strives to provide a Science curriculum that equips children with the knowledge to understand how science plays a vital role in the world around them. We encourage the children to ‘Work like a Scientist’ by teaching them to use skills for working scientifically throughout their time at BCPA.
The science curriculum is designed to build schema and cultural capital through providing enriching opportunities. We encourage teachers to take the children’s learning outdoors and explore connections within the local community. Through these experiences’ children will become curious learners and use scientific questions to drive different types of enquiry. Lessons will be practical, collaborative and teach children the scientific vocabulary needed to present and report their findings.
Aspiration sits at the heart of the science curriculum. Children will know that there are no limitations to pursuing a career in Science – it can be an ambition for any child at BCPA. This will be achieved by learning about inspirational scientists (past and present) and their influence in our world today.
As part of the GLA, BCPA strives for a Computing curriculum that develops children’s knowledge and confidence to become young citizens of our digital world.
We aim to educate our pupils in using technology responsibly and safely, alongside what to do should they encounter problems online. We want our pupils to be both creators and consumers so we encompass digital literacy, information technology and computer science in their lessons. Children have opportunities to apply and develop what they have learnt across the wider curriculum.
Our spiral curriculum allows children to build on previous knowledge, while developing and applying newly learnt vocabulary. We also provide enrichment opportunities by using a range of technology and by working in partnership with external stakeholders.
Our intention is to create enthusiastic, digitally literate pupils who show creativity and resilience when faced with challenges, there is no ceiling to their learning. Children will be encouraged to work collaboratively and celebrate their work through a range of media.
All children can aspire to be the best programmer, the best media creator, the best data analyst. This aspiration will be evident when considering possible career paths that utilise Computing skills; a very wide list within our 21st Century.
Design and Technology
At Bishop’s Cleeve Primary School, we strive for a Design Technology curriculum that is inspiring and practical. It is knowledge driven; drawing on disciplines from other subjects such as mathematics, science, computing and the arts in order to make meaningful links and connections.
We recognise that Design Technology should provide children with a real-life purpose for learning. One which builds on careful consideration of cultural capital. Through meaningful enrichment opportunities such as workshops at the local secondary school or from visiting specialists along with links forged with other subjects as part of STEM week, they should be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products which have a real-life purpose. Children are encouraged to use their imaginations and think creatively to design, develop and make products that solve problems. Our children celebrate successes whilst demonstrating an ability to reflect and evaluate their products and those they have studied.
Design Technology should prepare children to deal with tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. It is our aspiration that children become increasingly confident innovators and resilient risk-takers who over time develop and demonstrate resourceful, entrepreneurial qualities such as working as individuals and as part of a team. We provide them with the vocabulary associated with the skills and techniques of DT so that they may become increasingly articulate. They should understand that a career in Technology is possible and that their designs could make a real difference.
Art and Design
Our intention at Bishops Cleeve Primary School, is to value Art as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. It is our belief that all children should have equal access to the Arts so they may foster a lifelong love and ability to express themselves creatively.
We strive for an art curriculum that equips children with the knowledge and techniques of drawing, painting, printing and sculpture enabling them to confidently experiment, design and create their own works of art. Pupils have the opportunity to explore a wide range of media in an environment that encourages taking risks. Children learn to use the language of an artist to become effective evaluators and reflective thinkers.
Children at BCPA experience art from different cultures and periods throughout history including modern day and local artists. We aim to provide pupils with enrichment opportunities; through workshops led by artists, working closely with local businesses on collaborative projects for the community and by maintaining links with the art department at the local secondary school to build on the cultural capital of pupils, enabling them to develop a better understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritages while using subject specific vocabulary to express themselves.
At BCPA we want our children to show aspiration in art. Staff nurture curiosity, creativity and self-expression alongside resilience, confidence and critical thinking so that pupils understand they are all artists without limitations.