Bishop's Cleeve Primary Academy

Modern Foreign Languages - French @ BCPA


BCPA MfL overview 24-25

At BCPA, it is our aim to foster a love of language learning in all our children, developing their understanding, curiosity and respect of other languages, cultures and countries. We teach French from Years 1-6, through the use of the Language Angels scheme of work and resources, to ensure we offer a broad range of topics and themes. Language Angels offers activities which are tailored to meet a range of learning needs, through the inclusion of songs, images, and oral and written activities.  

Language Angels follows a systematic approach to the three pillars of language learning: phonics, grammar and vocabulary. Alongside this, we also cover the four key language learning skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and ensure that all necessary grammar is covered in an age-appropriate way across the primary phase. This enables our children to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts.  

AT BCPA, our intent is to provide a dynamic programme of study, which excites and inspires the children. We also ensure the progression of language learning is built upon each year, as well as provide ample opportunities to revisit and practice prior vocabulary. We set high expectations of all children and aim to develop a lifelong love of language learning, where children will choose to continue studying languages beyond Primary School.